Summer School – Food Law and Policy

UEF Summer School, Law School, 2019
The Summer School course on Food Law and Policy works from the idea of aligning food policies in an effort to improve food security worldwide. Finnish and international experts in fields of food security, food safety and nutrition, animal law, international trade and, intellectual property rights cover the foundations of food law as a legal discipline through the lens of contemporary scholarship on food law and policy issues. The course includes industry representatives and visits.
Although primarily designed for Finnish and international Master level students, this course is also suitable for doctoral students in related fields, as well as experts working in institutions applying food law or making food policy. Attendance and completion of course work on-site in Joensuu are required. The course consists of expert lectures/workshops, study visits, and writing a learning diary.

UEF Summer School, Law School, 2019
Learning outcomes: The student will learn how society regulates food. The student will learn how the interplay of policies is not restricted to traditional food security issues, but cover regulatory and policy issues from food safety, global food chains, sustainable food production, public health and nutrition, food development and food security. The student will get an overview of the basic concepts and conflicting structures of various food-related fields of law through an inter-disciplinary approach. The student will acquire skills to evaluate food policy reporting in a legal context and improved legal argumentation skills.
Summer School 2022: August 2022
Next application period: 1 February – 15 June 2022